Dreamodels banner english Aston Martin models figurines

Welcome to a multi-dimensional but small-scale world where are crossing :

puce Aston Martin miniatures collection

 kits of cars of the legendary and mythical brand Aston Martin and Lagonda,

puce Aston Martin miniatures collection

 Miniatures of figurines of the unreal and fantastic world of the heroic fantasy and the science fiction,

Maquettes ailes, roues, chenilles

 Flying machines, cars, armour fighting vehicule or improbable or cinematographic vehicles...

All the models and the miniatures of figurines were patiently assembled, painted and staged.
It is this set passions that we wish to share with you in this area.
Then, whatever your choice, we wish you beautiful discoveries through a pleasant visit...

Flying machines, cars, armoured or improbable
machines or from multiple sources.
Le monde des maquettes


The legendary brands Aston Martin and Lagonda.
Aston Martin miniatures collection
   The figurine's enchanted kingdom.

All trademarks and brands used herein are owned by the respective entities,
and are only used as information. The logos brands used on the models are not mentioned
and presented as publicity, only as a way to respect historic truth and the legacy of the models.

(c)Philippe Laret - 2009/2024   Last update of this site : june 2024   Gralon.net Collections diverses denicher.com Auto-Collection.org ExactSeek: Relevant Web Search compteur gratuit